Terms of Use / Terms of Service


Account” means an account created on the Website, which allows to access and/or purchase the Service(s).

Agreement” means the present document and any applicable Order.

Beta Test (CBT/OBT)” means a test phase of the Game for the duration of which only limited content and features of the Game may be available. The Beta Test phases shall occur before the Release.

Dragona World Coin” (just DWC) means a virtual money which can be purchased in the Shop and can only be used in the Game to Cash Shop.

Default” means the violation by a Party of its obligations under in the Agreement.

Game” means Dragona World, a massively multiplayer online role playing video game software.

Game Client” means the software necessary for the User to access and play the Game, to be downloaded and installed on the hardware of the User.

In-game Shop” means a virtual shop accessible in the Game in which the User can purchase Virtual Items with DWCs.

Party” means the User or Dragona World, both together referred to as the “Parties”.

Privacy Policy” means the privacy policy applicable to the personal data collected from the User in the Services and processed by Dragona World. The Privacy Policy can be found at the following address: https://dragona.world/company/privacy/

Services” means the services provided to the User by Dragona World, free of charge or for a fee, including the Website, the Forums, the Game and the Shop.

User” means the natural person entering the Agreement.

Virtual Item” means the digital content which can be purchased with DWCs in the In-game Shop by the User and can only be used in the Game.

Website” means the dragona.world website.


The Agreement governs the provision of Services to the User. The User enters the Agreement pursuant to the provisions of Article 3. (Creation of an Account) of the Agreement and receipt of the Order if applicable.

The User will be prompted to accept the Agreement when the User access the Game for the first time and each time the User purchases a Service.


Only a natural person who is over the age of majority in the country where he or she has his/her habitual residence may create an Account. The User may also create an Account for a child who is under his or her legal supervision provided that the User is allowed law of the country the child’s habitual residence to provide the child access to the Game.

When creating an Account, the User is:

  • prompted to provide personal information, as mentioned in the Privacy Policy;

  • required to read this document and the Privacy Policy;

  • prompted to declare that the User has the required age to create an Account;

  • prompted to enter the Agreement by accepting the Terms of Service.


The Agreement is entered between the Parties for an indefinite period of time, as of the moment of accepting the Agreement, including these Terms of Service, and Dragona World has sent the Order to the User. Each Party can terminate the Agreement pursuant to the provisions of Article 11. (Termination of the Agreement) of the Agreement.


The User can access the Website, create an Account use the Forums and play the Game free of charge.

The User may buy DWCs in the Shop, which can be used in the In-game Shop.

The non-payment or the retraction of a payment for DWC, for instance with a chargeback, shall qualify as a Default allowing Dragona World, without prior notice, to immediately suspend the provision of all Services to the User on all User Accounts owned by the User without terminating User’s payment obligations.



You can purchase DWCs in the Shop.

The purchase of DWC is not a delivery of goods but the provision of digital content licensed by Dragona World to the User. Subject to the terms of the Agreement, Dragona World grants the User a non-transferable, non-sublicensable and non-exclusive license for the duration of the Agreement on the DWCs the User purchased to use the DWCs on the User’s Account in the Game to purchase Virtual Items.


Dragona World will not provide any compensation for the DWCs or the Virtual Items on User’s Account including in the following events:

- the Agreement was unilaterally terminated by the User, whether the termination resulted from a modification of the Agreement or not;

- the Agreement was terminated by Dragona World for a Default by User;

- the damage alleged by the User resulted from the User sharing his or her Account with third parties, including the User’s family members, or third parties accessing the Account.

Notwithstanding the above, Dragona World will provide compensation for DWCs in the following event:

- loss of DWCs or expiration of Virtual Items resulting from an attributable hardware or software failure on Dragona World’s side, provided that the User is not involved in any way in the events that lead to the loss;


When purchasing DWC, the User is prompted to express his or her consent for the performance of the Service. The performance of the Service means that the purchased DWC will be immediately added to the User’s balance on his or her Account once the payment is effective. By entering the Agreement, the User is informed and expressly accepts that the User loses his or her right of withdrawal when the User purchases DWC.



The User is not allowed to create or prepare any derivative work based on the Game unless such derivative work falls under the definition of “User Content” provided in Article 1. (Definitions) of the Agreement.

The User is not allowed to create or provide any software which would provide an unfair advantage in the Game to its end-users and/or third parties. In order to maintain the balance of the Game, Dragona World is solely entitled to decide what should be considered as an “unfair advantage”.

The User is allowed to create User Content to the extent User Content (i) does not violate the terms and conditions of the Agreement, including the services policies provided under Article 8. of the Agreement (ii) is not used for commercial purposes, (iii) does not infringe any third party’s intellectual property rights, trademarks, patents, personality rights (including the right to one’s image), (iv) is not obscene, racist, defamatory, insulting, promoting violence or discrimination based on race, religion, sexual or gender preferences, (v) does not aim at harassing another person, (vi) does not imply any commercial relationship or other connection between User and Dragona World, (vii) does not damage the reputation or good name of Dragona World or in any other manner cause harm to Dragona World.


The User grants Dragona World a worldwide, sublicensable, transferable and free license on the User Content, for the duration of protection of User Content by any applicable intellectual property legislation, to:

- reproduce and display User Content on the official social networks pages of the Game, including Facebook, Twitter and Youtube;

- reproduce and display User Content on the Website.

The User also allows Dragona World to communicate the User Content to third parties, including fan-sites of the Game and other medias for the purpose of promoting the Game and/or the User Content.

Dragona World will not attempt to generate any direct revenue from the User Content (i.e. by selling the User Content) without the prior approval of the User, unless such approval was provided by the User prior to taking part to an event organized by Dragona World for the specific User Content the User provided by the User for this event. The User shall not withhold its approval on unreasonable grounds.



8.1.1. Inappropriate or infringing content

Dragona World does not vouch for or warrant the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any message, article, link or comment posted by other users in the Services, and shall not be responsible for the contents of any such message, article or comment.

The messages express the views of the author of the message, not necessarily the views of Dragona World. The User can report any violation of the services policies either by clicking on the report icon for that purpose on the Forums, either by reporting the issue to customer support.

The User shall not use the Service(s) to post any material which is false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, infringes on intellectual property rights, or otherwise violating of any applicable law or this Agreement.

The User shall not use the Service(s) to post any advertisement, link or (commercial) information regarding content which is in violation of the provisions of the Agreement.

The User shall not post any material covered by intellectual property rights, unless the intellectual property rights are owned or licensed by the User or by Dragona World.

8.1.2. Naming policy

The User shall not use on the Website, the Forums and in the Game character names, family names, guild names, clan names and/or nicknames that are:

- Vulgar, abusive, hateful, racist, defamatory, threatening, pornographic or sexually orientated;

- Referring to inappropriate parts of the human body or bodily functions;

- Referring to drugs or illegal activities;

- Related to the Nazi regime;

- Referring to religious figures or religious organizations;

- Related to political regimes or personalities involved or suspected of violation of human rights;

- Promoting violence, ethnical, racial or national hatred, hatred regarding sexual orientation;

- Impersonating an existing person;

- Violating the intellectual or industrial rights of a third party, including trademarks.

The use of alternate spelling, for instance by replacing letter with number, in order to violate the above mentioned rules shall be considered a violation of the naming policy as meant in Article 8.1.2.

8.1.3. Use of unauthorized programs

The User shall not attempt to modify the gameplay of the Game by using:

- Software or sets of instructions (including macros) allowing the automated operation of controls in the Game;

- Software or code allowing the User to play the Game in ways which would not have been otherwise possible.

8.1.4. Use of Exploits

The User shall immediately report any process or action(s) which, when performed in the Game, allow the User to play the Game in a way it was no intended to be played by game design (hereinafter, an “Exploit”).

The User shall never attempt to reproduce an Exploit, except for the purpose of providing the reproduction steps to customer support of Dragona World.

Any benefit acquired from the direct or indirect action of Exploiting shall be reversed if deemed necessary by Dragona World.

8.1.5. Threats to the provision of the Services

The User shall not make threats or attempt to disturb the provision of the Services in any way including spamming, denial of service attacks on the Game servers, performing actions whether alone or as a group, on the Service(s), that would affect the performances of the Service(s) or the experience of other end-users of the Services.

Dragona World reserves the right to take any actions deemed necessary to maintain the integrity of the Service(s).

8.1.6. Account sharing

The User is not allowed to share the credentials of the User’s Account with anyone.

Notwithstanding the above, Dragona World may request from User the name of its Account for events or in order to provide User with customer support. However, Dragona World will never ask for an Account password.

8.1.7. Modification of the Game Client

The User is only allowed to use third party programs affecting the Game Client to the extent such programs do not affect significantly the gameplay and do not violate any provision of the Agreement. The use of any such use third party program must be validated first by Dragona World. For that purpose, the User should contact customer support before installing and using such use third party program.

8.1.8. Selling Account(s) or item(s)

The User shall not attempt to sell the Game, an Account, Virtual Items, DWCs, the virtual currency or any item of the Game for money (i.e. real money trading).

8.1.9. Violation of law

The User undertakes to respect the legislation of the country from which the User launches the Game and accesses the Services.


Based on its severity, the violation of the service policies as provided in Article 8.1 may result in, but not limited to, one of the following:

- A temporary impossibility to post message on the relevant Service;

- The renaming of the name violating the naming policy

- a warning;

- a temporary ban forbidding the User to use the relevant Service;

- a temporary ban forbidding the User to post messages on the Forums and to access the Game;

- a permanent ban forbidding the User to use the relevant Service;

- a permanent ban forbidding the User to post messages on the Forums and to access the Game;

- a permanent ban on the Account forbidding the User to use the Account to access the Services;

- the termination of the Agreement for cause.

Dragona World shall ensure the proportionality of the sanction(s) in relation to the severity of the violation. Dragona World will not become liable for any costs, losses or damage made or suffered by User due to Dragona World imposing (a) sanction(s) on User.

The violation of Articles 8.1.3. (Use of unauthorized programs), 8.1.4. (Use of Exploits), 12.1.5. (Threats to the provision of the Services), 8.1.7. (Modification of the Game Client), 8.1.8. (Selling Account(s) or item(s)), 8.1.9. (Violation of law) shall qualify as a Default under Article 13.3. (Termination for cause) and justify the permanent ban of any involved Account as well as any Account owned by the User and the immediate termination of the Agreement for cause by Dragona World.


Dragona World undertakes, in the Privacy Policy, to ensure in the protection of the User’s personal data in compliance with General Data Protection Regulation, more information is provided in the Privacy Policy.


Dragona World undertakes to provide and to operate the Services in accordance with the terms and conditions and for the fees specified in the Agreement.

Dragona World undertakes to use its best efforts to make the Services available at all time to the User as from the Release. Dragona World does not warrant that the provision of the Services will be error free or uninterrupted. The User accepts that the Services, including the Game only contains the functionalities and other characteristics as it contains at the moment of use by User (“as is” and “as available”). Each and every use of the Services is for User’s own risk and responsibility.

The User is informed and accepts that Dragona World may interrupt or provide degraded Service(s) in the following events without such events constituting a Default or any other breach of the Agreement:

- downtimes making the Service(s) unavailable in order to add content, fix bugs or Exploits;

- downtimes or degraded performances of the Service(s), for the duration of hardware updates required in order to improve the User’s experience;

- degraded performances resulting from a high number of players in the Service(s) or from their interaction.

The User is solely responsible for the purchase and/or the proper operation of the infrastructure necessary to use the Services. Dragona World is never liable for damage or costs on account of transmission errors, malfunctions or non-availability of computer, data or telecom facilities, including the internet.

Dragona World does not warrant the compatibility of the Game with the User’s hardware and system. System requirements provided by Dragona World are for general information purposes and User’s experience may vary depending on the brand of the hardware, its condition or on the software installed on User’s system.

Dragona World does not warrant the continuous hardware compatibility of Game. Dragona World reserves the right to modify the minimal and recommended hardware and system requirements, including the possibility to stop supporting operating systems.


Each Party (hereinafter the “Indemnifying Party”) shall indemnify and keep the other Party harmless (hereinafter the “Indemnified Party”) against any costs, claims, damages, losses and expenses, including counsel costs and re-tendering charges, which the Indemnified Party suffers which arise as a direct result of any claim that the use by the Indemnified Party of any intellectual property rights in the Service(s), and/or in User Content infringes the intellectual property rights of any third party (hereinafter a “Claim”).

The obligations of the Indemnifying Party under this Article are conditioned upon the Indemnified Party (i) giving prompt written notice of the Claim to the Indemnifying Party; (ii) permitting the Indemnifying Party to retain sole control of the investigation, defense or settlement of the Claim, and (iii) providing the Indemnifying Party with such cooperation and assistance as the Indemnifying Party may reasonably request from time to time in connection with the investigation, defense or settlement of the Claim.

Dragona World shall have no obligation hereunder to defend the User against any Claim (a) resulting from use of the Service(s) other than as authorized in this Agreement, or (b) to the extent the Claim arises from or is based on the use of the Service(s) with other products, services, or data not supplied by Dragona World if the infringement would not have occurred but for such use.

To the extent allowed under applicable law, this Article states the entire liability of Dragona World, and User’s sole and exclusive remedy, with respect to a Claim. However, overriding mandatory law will prevail.


To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, the liability of Dragona World is limited solely to the direct damage caused to the User by the fault of Dragona World, excluding any indirect damages.

Direct damage is understood to mean exclusively:

a. damage demonstrably caused directly in relation to receiving proper performance, however this damage shall not be compensated if the Agreement is rescinded (“ontbonden”);

b. reasonable costs incurred to prevent or limit direct damages that could be expected from the event on which is the liability is based;

c. reasonable costs incurrent in determining the cause of the damage.

Indirect damages are all other damages than direct damages, including loss of reputation, loss of a contract, loss of a chance, loss in production, disorganisation of the User’s operations and or loss of data.

The aggregate liability of Dragona World for all damages and all other losses for any cause arising under the Agreement shall not exceed the total of the fees invoiced by Dragona World and paid by User pursuant to the Agreement for the last six (6) months prior to the day User notified the damage(s) to Dragona World.

The limitations and exclusions of liability mentioned in the preceding paragraphs of this article will lapse if and in so far as the damage is the result of intentional or willful recklessness on the part of Dragona World or its managers (“own actions”).



The User can terminate the Agreement for convenience at any time by contacting customer support to request the termination of the Agreement.


Dragona World may decide at any time to stop providing the Game to all end-users by permanently removing the Game servers or preventing access to them to all end-users, provided that Dragona World gives notice of the discontinuation of the Game to the User at least two (2) months before the date of discontinuation.


In the event a Party (the “Defaulting Party”) does not fulfil its obligations set forth in the Agreement, the other Party (the “Notifying Party”) shall notify the Defaulting Party:

- by contacting customer support if Dragona World is the Defaulting Party, or

- by contacting the User by email or with a notice displayed when the User attempts to connect to his or her Account or to the Game.

The notification shall describe the Defaults resulting from the Defaulting Party.

In the event Dragona World does not remedy to the attributable Defaults within two (2) month as from the date of receipt of the notice, the User shall be entitled to terminate the Agreement for cause. Only the impossibility for the User to access the Game for the User shall qualify as a Default of Dragona World justifying the termination of the Agreement by the User.

If the User is the Defaulting Party, Dragona World shall be entitled to (i) immediately stop providing all Services to the User without prior notice and without any indemnity or liability and (ii) terminate the Agreement for cause. Dragona World may, at its sole discretion, start providing the Services again to the User if the User remedies to the Defaults.

In the event of termination for cause (“ontbinding”) of the Agreement, no reversal will take place of that which Dragona World has already delivered and/or performed and User has paid. Where applicable, amounts invoiced by Dragona World before the termination in connection with that which Dragona World has already properly performed or delivered in the implementation of the Agreement will continue to be owed with due observance of the provision in the preceding sentence and will become immediately due and payable in full at the time of the termination.


In the event of a termination for convenience or cause of the Agreement:

- Dragona World will stop providing all Services to the User;

- Dragona World will make the User’s Account(s) inaccessible;

- The User shall remove any copy of the Game, including the Game client from his computer(s) and storage devices;

- Dragona World will not reimburse any of the fees paid by User under the Agreement.

In the event of a termination resulting from a force majeure event in the conditions set forth under Article 14. (Force majeure) of the Agreement, User shall not be entitled to any reimbursement of the fees already paid to Dragona World.

The provisions of Articles 9. (Privacy), 11. (Indemnity), 12. (Liability), 16. (Severability), 17. (Waiver) and 18. (Headings) of the Agreement expressly continue and survive the termination or expiration of this Agreement.


Dragona World may modify at any time the terms and conditions of the Agreement.

Modification of the Agreement in order to modify the terms and conditions applicable to Services which have not yet been provided and charged to the User shall not require any prior notification.

For minor modifications of the Agreement such as the clarification of the provisions of the Agreement, modifications made in order to comply with applicable law or modification benefiting to the User, Dragona World shall only provide a notice on the Website or on the Forums mentioning the modification of the Agreement.

For major modifications such as modifications decreasing or greatly affecting the rights of the User under the Agreement, Dragona World shall provide a one (1) month prior notice to the User on the Website or on the Forums mentioning the modification of the Agreement.

For modifications of the Agreement greatly affecting the gameplay of the Game, Dragona World shall provide a two (2) months prior notice to the User on the Website or on the Forums mentioning the modification of the Agreement.


Each Party will be excused from performance for any period during which, and to the extent that, it is prevented from performing any obligation or Service as a result of force majeure event, including illness of employees and/or absence of key employees needed for the Service, power failures, strikes, riots, government measures, fire, natural disasters, floods, failure of suppliers of Dragona World, shortcomings by third parties which were engaged by Dragona World, disruption of the internet connection, hardware failures and failures in (telecommunication) networks and denial of service attacks on the Services. Force majeure shall be interpreted in accordance with Dutch Law. Nothing in the foregoing shall be deemed to relieve User of its obligation to pay Fees owed under this Agreement.

The Party relying upon a “force majeure” event shall notify it within forty-eight (48) hours of its occurrence:

- for the User, by contacting customer support;

- for Dragona World, by posting an announcement on the Website or on the Forums.

The duration of the interruption of the Agreement shall not exceed seven (7) calendar days. After such period of time, the Agreement may be terminated outright by contacting the customer support or by email with an acknowledgement of receipt by either Party.


If any provision of this Agreement shall be held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be contrary to law, such provision will be enforced to the maximum extent permissible and the remaining provisions of this Agreement will remain in full force and effect. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the terms of this Agreement that limit, disclaim, or exclude warranties, remedies or damages are intended by the Parties to be independent and remain in effect despite the failure or unenforceability of an agreed remedy. The Parties have relied on the limitations and exclusions set forth in this Agreement in determining whether to enter into it.


Performance of any obligation required by the User under the Agreement may be waived only by a written waiver signed by an authorized representative of Dragona World, which waiver shall be effective only with respect to the specific obligation described therein. Any waiver or failure to enforce any provision of this Agreement on one occasion will not be deemed a waiver of any other provision or of such provision on any other occasion.


Headings in this Agreement are for convenience only and do not affect the meaning or interpretation of this Agreement. This Agreement will not be construed either in favour of or against one Party or the other, but rather in accordance with its fair meaning. When the term “including” is used in this Agreement it will be construed in each case to mean “including, but not limited to”.